What Is Holy Spirit Power?
Acts 3:1-21a
This is a synopsis, or quick review, of the sermon for Sunday morning, September 8, 2024. I am only hitting the highlights of the message, not reproducing the entire sermon.
First Scripture Reading: Acts 3:1-12a
When we read about a great miracle that happened in the Bible, we sometimes have the tendency to say, “that was then, this is now, Miracles don’t happen anymore.” Even in Biblical times, they were the exception to the rule, not the rule. Jesus offered His disciples power to serve Him (Acts 1:8), just before He left for heaven. But we often think that was just for then, we don’t live with that kind of power today.
Let’s look at this story, and see the how’s, why’s, and wherefores of Peter’s and John’s power. When we do, I think we will see that God is still at work in our day and time, only we are often too busy or ignorant to notice it.
Our story begins with Peter and John heading off to the regular evening prayer observance at the Temple. They were moving through the routine of another day in the life of an early Jewish believer. A sacrifice and offering of prayers took place twice a day at the Temple. The morning sacrifice ended about nine o’clock, and the evening service began about 3:00 PM. There was nothing special about this. Peter and John were doing their normal routine, when, as some may say, circumstances changed their direction. God was about to show His Holy Spirit power in a miracle, leading to mass conversions. This event was not on the disciples’ radar. It was about to change their day.
At the same time as the duo arrived at the Temple, they were met by a small group of men helping a lame man on a mat get onto the edge of the steps to the Temple in order to beg for alms. He was well known to the regular prayer meeting crowd, and his location was ideal for alms collection, a major part of Jewish religious practices of that day.
In many modern detective novels or movies, the chief detective says, “There is no such thing as coincidence!” So often as we go about our lives, we miss the fact that God is present on earth, placing opportunities of service, or chances of personal growth in our paths. Opportunities to serve others, to witness of His grace, or to encourage a fellow believer abound. Opportunities to learn new skills for development of our Christian character are around us constantly. But we have to see and reach out to participate in those opportunities. As we do, we find God’s power is in us.
As Peter’s and John’s eyes met the eyes of the man being taken up the stairs, Peter called out to him. He paused expecting to receive a gift from Peter. This is all the beggars could do to make a living and survive. Peter replies, “Silver and gold I do not have . . .” Within his own power, Peter could not help. Even with silver and gold, he could only supply sustenance for a day or so. But Peter went on, “What I do have I give you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!”
Peter then reached down and lifted him up and his legs got strong, and he proceeded to walk, jump and dance his way into the Temple court. Peter did not do this in his power, but the power of the Holy Spirit and for the glory of God.
I am not here to tell you that every time you see a disabled person, you can restore them to health, or help employ every unemployed or under employed person, or find homes for all the homeless. But God will do for us, who believe, what we cannot do in ourselves, G and do it in a way that will bring the most glory to God and further His work in our lives and His world.
Peter and John, going about their routine work in the world, met a lame man, and by the power of Jesus made him walk before the “religious” community of Jerusalem. In turn, it gave Peter a chance to explain the plan of God to those who came to worship and pray to God in ignorance. This led to many converting and becoming followers of Jesus, not followers of a ritual religion, whose leaders had rejected the message of Jesus, in favor of “outward holy traditions.”
Everyday we live we have opportunities to meet people and aide them in their lives in this world. Some by introducing them to Christ, others by encouraging them to “go on going on,” or we can help build up our own faith and trust in God regardless of what we have been going through.
Let’s look very briefly at what Peter told this large crowd gathered at the Temple:
1) First Peter did this miracle by the power of Jesus Christ.
2) This is the Jesus that they had rejected and caused to be murdered by Pilot.
3) This Jesus was raised by God and is alive, he was a witness of this.
4) They did this deed in ignorance, even though the prophets predicted it.
5) If you repent and believe in Messiah, He will return, and you will live with Him.
The purpose of the miracle of healing was to demonstrate God’s power, and also illustrate that men cannot save themselves. But God can give them spiritual life be faith in the death of Christ for their sins. In doing so, Jesus gives us the power to live a life that pleases God.
God Bless.
CH Jim Odell